Minecraft Map Pixel Art Download This From
It is also recommended to read through the help text: java -jar MapConverter.jar -help. It should be named 'jnbt-1.1.jar'.Basic usage: java -jar MapConverter.jar /path/to/someImage.png. Download this from here, don't rename it. Usage example.Apart from the actual tool, which I will link further down, you will also need the JNBT library in the same folder as the tool. Begging for Minecraft accounts or gift codes is not allowedNews Builds Gameplay Maps Tutorials Redstone Command Blocks FanArt Comment Formatting(#spoiler) = neat! (/rose) = ( full list)Feed it an image (png recommended, other formats untested but may work) and it spits out a bunch of schematics. Self-promotion must be kept to a minimum
schematics have a 130x130 blocks footprint, but maps are 128x128 - use the glass floor to align them so they fit a map perfectly. Do scaling and resizing on your own. You will get black borders if your image's width and height aren't multiples of 128. Image width and height are not changed. The most interesting one for survival players is probably the 2D option: Instead of generating a bunch of wild staircases as seen above, this will create a flat surface, which is much easier to work with but only allows one third of the regular map color palette.Another example: java -jar MapConverter.jar villager.png -nodither -force2d -supportid 1 -nobed to create a flat, non-dithered representation using stone as support blocks for brewing stands/cobwebs/etc without using beds because fuck beds, seriously.Here's a comparison of the result of different options on several images.
This is helpful if you want to manually edit an image. A color palette is created every time you run the tool, it shows which colors can be used with the current settings. Dithering is enabled by default, disable it if it produces unfavorable results.
Beds are disabled for now (fix soon TM) because now only one bed half gives the grey color they were used for Added the new set of colors, mapped to stained terracotta I will update my tool for this at some point.Edit: Make sure you got the filename right when running commands!
Thanks to the anonymous wiki editor for noticing the mistake (which I should have verified more thoroughly) Fixed a switchup: ids 8 and 14 were switched (white wool and diorite/birch logs). Birch logs are now used instead of diorite Don't disable cobwebs if you want to keep that color available As a result, -nobed doesn't do anything Don't reload existing maps and they'll probably be fine.
Or just use the new version. Added -usediorite for people that prefer diorite over birch logsCurrent download link message me (PM, not chat!) if the link is broken.